Creepy Sexualized Kiddie Sites are Rampant on Facebook Despite Attempts To Flag It

After the week of heavy censorship of conservatives with deplatforming and shadowbanning across every single platform imaginable….every day I can log into my account is a day above ground that I’ve escaped the Zuck hammer.

As you know I’ve worked pretty hard getting the worst pedo accounts off of Twitter (the ones that just say they’re pedos are still all over it, but Twitter refuses to remove them.)

But I was actually shocked today to be sent this on Facebook….

It was the creepy comments left under little girl’s pictures that made it so wrong….and it was an entire page on FB dedicated to showing very young girls in leotard and bathing suits in compromising positions.


I blocked out the faces out of decency, parents really need to watch where they posts their kids pics, although most of these seem very professionally done.

On their own, they’re not that creepy…’s the multitudes of multitudes and the positions of the girls that make it a playground for pedophiles to find “soft core kiddie porn.” If you’re not familiar with it, thank God, it’s rampant on YouTube which made huge money on it.

Starting to feel hella wrong yet?

Let’s check out the comments from all the full grown men that follow a page of little girls doing splits….

Most of it, if not all seems to be foreign men sending hearts, telling them they love her, and sending kisses. Same people, over and over again. I’d comment about it further, but anything I say is going to sound “racist” so…??‍♀️

It’s also the frequency and the obsessiveness of which these guys posts, that puts them on a list to never be allowed to babysit.

And personally, I think they cross the line…..

Whoah! Way to escalate the creepiness level there, Mr. Victor Luquis from Puerto Rico.

WTF! Do you not see the top of this page that specifies “kids?”

A Canadian, eh?

This time I’ll put the comments first, then show you the censored pic….

As you can see, very angry people started trolling the page. Word got out pretty quick but, this ain’t the only one.

Facebook so wonderfully “recommended” other similar pages of underage models from which to peruse from….

And are they just as bad?

You bet!

“Attractive for all type of love?” ?

Too young for what?! So the guy that leaves creepy comments on every single picture they post, just so happens to draw the line at this? Ah, so we do understand the nature of what this page is for then?

Isn’t it interesting how Facebook has to time, ability, and man power to nit-pick every single conservative and dissenting opinion there is……but doesn’t have any algorithm that pics up on this? These people have been flagging this page all day…..and yet, here it is.

That second page I showed you has a complaint and flag from over least 3 months ago…

This is not uncommon occurrence for Facebook either.

So Zuckerberg was literally getting complaints about that, but chose to focus his energy on banning Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, and InfoWars instead? Facebook informed me that they’d be throttling the traffic to my page because I endangered the integrity of Facebook for posting a real video of Notre Dame. Seems fair and balanced, amirite?

Look, this is bullshit. When will the laws catch up to technology?

I’d hate to tell you but it’s all over YouTube, Instagram, and probably the worst of it is on Twitter. I’ve BEEN fighting it. Infowars was the only big show that wanted to talk about it…and now that’s not allowed on Facebook anymore.

When you going to finally tell the regressive liberal left to fuck off? Crack down on the things that are important, and stop catering to criminals and fucking weirdos?

UPDATE: After hundreds maybe even thousands of flags, Facebook took down the creepy site I was talking about…..and then almost immediately it was right back up.

So Facebook has the ability and manpower to purge the entire site of any positive mention of Infowars…..but soft core kiddie porn remains up.

Report the new site here….

….and feel free to tweet this article to Zuckerberg or anyone else you think can do something about these sick pedos.

Follow my stuff while it’s still up:

Twitter/Instagram @iHeartMindy

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