33 people were burned alive and another 36 were badly injured after a crazy 41 year old man set fire to an anime studio in Kyoto, Japan.
I’ve always argued that Japan is a relatively safe country, but that it has more to do with their strict, honor based culture than their gun-free legislature.
This absolutely senseless tragedy of a man setting a fire using gasoline as an accelerant at the ground floor entrance of a 3rd floor building raises several interesting points. People set on mass murder will find any means necessary to commit their crimes….and the outcomes are often worse.
For example the 9/11 attacks using airplanes and the Oklahoma City bombing using fertilizer created a death toll larger and harder to prevent than any mass shooting in American History. You can’t outlaw plane travel, and TSA security is sketch at best.
The 41 year old Japanese man in custody for this crime, screamed “You Die” as he set that building ablaze, and it appears as if he did so out of vengeance for something the animators drew or published.
Until we deal with the issue of mental health…and what to do with the criminally insane (I believe they should be institutionalized for life with absolutely no chance of release) these instances of random mass murder will continue.
Perfectly composed content, Really enjoyed examining.