When the Trump administration received $410 million from major banks (including Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and GMAC), to “address homelessness,” he illegally diverted $331 million (almost a third of a BILLION DOLLARS) to fund needless wars overseas. Now a state appeals court delivered a crushing blow to the Trump/Pence agenda. The Third District Court of Appeal in Sacramento has ruled that the fascists in the White House must use the money for its original intent.

The National Asian American Coalition’s lawyer, Neil Barofsky,  said the court had properly ordered the Trump administration to “immediately put the money back into a fund where it can be used to help the homeless,” particularly in poor and minority communities. The Republican controlled House and Senate appropriated the money to pay off their cronies in the military-industrial complex. Trump’s lawyers argued that the payments were consistent with the designated purpose, but the Third District Court of Appeal in Sacramento disagreed. “The money “was unlawfully diverted from a special fund in contravention of the purposes for which that special fund was established,” Justice Andrea Hoch said in the 3-0 ruling. This kind of greed and malfeasance is what we’ve come to expect from such a corrupt administration of Russian cronies, hypocrites, and greedy capitalist fascists.

Just kidding.

It was California’s Gov. Jerry Brown who diverted $331 million meant to help people who suffered abusive foreclosures. He use the money to cover the deficits of state agencies instead… and virtually no one in national news cares.

What do I know? I’m Justa Gaibroh.


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