50+ Ways Massive Voter Fraud Was Committed in the 2020 Election

It’s almost impossible to post proof or even state concerns about voter fraud on social media, without getting hit with the “voter fraud is rare” warning tag and having the post being completely censored, suppressed, or removed. It seems the fake news media is resting its laurels on voter fraud not being an issue because it’s not “widespread” enough to worry about or effect anything. Apparently voter fraud has occurred in EVERY single election…except 2020 according to the media.

So I broke down all the video evidence and eye witness testimonials that have come out since the election about voter fraud, state by state so that YOU can decide for yourself.


• If you were watching election night, you might have noticed that Pennsylvania was one of 5 swing states that experienced votes mysteriously being taken from Trump and added to Biden on live TV. This “error” happened multiple times and only ever occurred in Biden’s favor.

• One GOP poll watcher was caught on video being denied entry to observe in Philadelphia. Election Day in the state was also plagued by multiple Biden campaign signs being illegally placed by polling station doors, with election officials suspiciously outright refusing to remove them.

• Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States Postal Service, claimed a trailer he was driving full of upwards of about 288,000 ballots, “disappeared” from its parked location at a Lancaster, Pa. Still no word where they went.

• Gregory Stenstrom testified at a Pennsylvania legislature hearing in Gettysburg last week that he witnessed a Dominion Voting Systems vendor inserting jump drives into voting machines in Delaware County, PA.

• Multitudes of people also rose from the grave to vote in Pennsylvania, including heavyweight boxing champ Joe Frazier and Will Smith’s deceased father.

• Over 23,000 absentee ballots have impossible postal return dates and another 86,000 have such extraordinary maligned return dates that they also raise serious questions.

• In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards went “missing.”


• Over 140k illegal aliens were registered to vote and sent ballots using a DMV loophole where illegals who apply for licenses are automatically signed up to vote, unless they notice and choose manually opt out. This is not only unfair to Nevada’s election integrity, but to immigrants as well, who are being inadvertently coerced into committing a federal crime.

• Election Czar Joe Gloria refused to allow GOP poll watchers to observe ballots during counting. As of this moment (12/01/20) he’s also dodged being served with a subpoena to testify about it.

• The Nevada Native Vote Project bribed people for votes using gift cards and prizes which is ILLEGAL and posted the photos and evidence on Facebook before quickly deleting them…not before somebody archived them though.

• Trump’s team of lawyers and investigators discovered over 1.2k deceased individuals voted in Nevada, over 42k individuals voted twice…an issue likely due to theft of their original mail-in ballots, as polling also revealed 1% of people are listed as voting that never voted.

• Upon another investigation, over 30k people voted in Nevada using non-residential addresses, vacant lots, and non-existent addresses.

• Nevada has been using Dominion software since 2006. Current Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske was one of the few Republicans to win by any margin in the 2018 midterm election, that saw an unexplained last minute Democrat sweep. She has been personally responsible for loosening election integrity within the state, by allowing both mail-in ballots to every inactive voter dead or alive, and enacting ballot harvesting which was passed illegally according to Nevada’s own state constitution. An anti-Trump Republican PAC with ties to the Secretary of State also suspiciously received thousands directly from Dominion as recently as July. The real question is “why” a voting software company is allowed to donate to ANY political side of an election they are actively contracted to run.


• In one Michigan county a “computer glitch” by Dominion switched 6k Trump votes to Biden. This was only discovered because of a hand count done in one particular county.

• Robert Cushman a TFC challenger witnessed approximately 64 boxes of ballots that came in at 4 am. None of the names were in the current poll book

• Melissa Carone a Dominion IT worker testified to witnessing multiple acts of fraud on election night, including blocks of ballots being run through and counted 8-10 times, Democrat poll watchers adjudicating without GOP representatives present making ballot decisions, and a “data loss” that lines up with another employee disappearing for 3 hours to a place he called the “Chicago Warehouse” even though this was Michigan. In her video testimony she also states how she observed for over 27 hours without ever seeing a single Trump vote…a statistical impossibility.

• Poll challenger Kristina Karamo testifies to election workers and supervisors pushing through and counting votes for Biden, even though the ballots were physically marked down for more than one presidential candidate. She faced severe hostility from supervisors upon those challenges, and those ballots were pushed through illegally anyway.

• Nonpartisan poll challenger testifies that he witnessed thousands of unverified ballots not in the “Qualified Voter” database, being removed from their secrecy sleeve and mixed together with other previously verified ballots run through the tabulators en masse and counted.

• Another eye witness testified to a truck full of boxes of ballots being delivered at 3:30 am election with absolutely no legal chain of custody, and after Michigan claimed to have “stopped counting” for the day.

• A second eye witness in Michigan also testifies to boxes and boxes of Biden ballots being delivered at 3:30 am, which aligns with previous witness testimony.

• According to one expert’s affidavit, the Michigan precincts of Kent, Macomb, Oakland and Wayne there were 289,866 more ballots processed than humanly possible, given the time and equipment on hand.

• Dr. Linda Lee Tarver, a former Michigan Civil Rights Commissioner, Community Affairs Director and Election Integrity Liaison gives testimony about the RAMPANT voter and election fraud in Michigan in the form of illegal ballot harvesting, ballot stuffing, and GOP poll watcher harassment and removal…not only for the 2020 election, but for the last 25 years.

• A unaffiliated poll watcher testifies to how GOP poll workers were harassed, kicked out, and removed to applause on Election Day…leaving few conservatives purposefully left to observe ballot counting on Election Day.

• Another witness testified that ballots were backdated by postal workers in Traverse City, Michigan, and that Trump campaign mail was put in bins labeled “Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail” while the same type of mail for Joe Biden was ordered to be delivered on time.

• A poll watcher in Michigan testifies to noticing huge blocks of sequential numbered ballots (impossible if they were mailed in) with no dates, all the same signature, and being processed through by election workers without being registered in the poll books.

• Articia Bomer testifies to personally witnessing election workers manually overriding ballots from Trump to Biden in Michigan. She states they would only be a few ballots out of 50 that they would be “happy” with and put aside, the rest were overridden using Dominion software.


• Witness in Arizona testifies to trucks and trucks of ballots arriving to be counted for 10 days after the election. No answer was given to her by supervisors as to why the ballots kept arriving, or why they didn’t know how many there were left out there to count.

• An expert testifies on how Arizona’s voting statistic abnormalities can only be recreated by manually adjusting the values of each candidate…which is a specific feature of Dominion Voting Systems.

• Chairwoman Kelli Ward announces the findings of over 100 duplicate ballots, in which two votes were specifically altered and removed from President Trump’s total.

• Election workers were instructed to use markers on Election Day and only Election Day, during #MarkerGate and it was never explained as to why. Conservatives overwhelmingly vote in person the day of, and the markers were bleeding through and causing trouble being read by machines.

• Another witness presented by Trump’s legal team in Arizona, testified that he personally witnessed Dominion voting machines hooked up to the internet when they were not supposed to be (it leaves them open to remote hacking) and subsequently witnessed it get downloaded to a server in Frankfurt, Germany.

• Expert witness Bobby Piton testifies that he would not have certified Arizona’s election based on the mathematical abnormalities and impossibilities before him. He was suspended the same day by Twitter for being a whistle blower.


• Wisconsin is another one of the 5 swing states that experienced votes switching from Trump to Biden on live TV. The switch that happened in one minute was enough to “flip” the state to Biden.

• Nathan Pease a nonpartisan postal delivery worker testifies about missing ballots and how his openly anti-Trump USPS supervisors ordered workers to illegally “back date” ballots that arrived after the election deadline.

• Trump’s lawyers file suit over testimony that the Wisconsin Elections Commission directed municipal clerks to illegally alter incomplete absentee ballot envelopes. Under Wisconsin law, only voters themselves can correct incomplete absentee ballot information. Lawyers also claim clerks illegally issued absentee ballots to voters without the required application.


• 2,056 felons illegally voted.
• 66,248 underage teenagers 17 or younger voted.
• 2,423 voted that weren’t ever registered to vote.
• 1,043 illegally voted using a PO Box.
• 4,926 voted past the legal registration date.
• 10,315 voted that died before the election.
• 395 casted ballots in two states, which is illegal in both states.
• 15,700 filed change of address to move out of state previous to Nov 3.
• 40,279 moved to a different county and failed to re-register to vote in the new one (different seats and ballots.)

• Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, opened an investigation into a group called America Votes (co-founded by radical leftist Stacey Abrams) for sending absentee ballot applications to people at addresses they haven’t lived at since 1994. They have since been accused of attempting to sign the dead up to vote, as well as those out of state.

• Live security footage in Georgia shows as election worker hiding 4 suitcases of ballots under a table in the morning…and then retrieving them and tabulating them AFTER they sent everyone home and “stopped counting” for the night.

• Dominion worker Xavier Khouri was caught on video by poll watchers inserting a USB flash drive from a voting machine to his laptop and opening files. This is exactly how votes can be manipulated according to Dominion’s own user manual.

• 3k ballots (mostly for Trump) went “missing” in the same Georgia county that Kamala Harris’ official campaign photographer passed himself off as a Dominion Rep through now-fired Election Chief Brady. He was also caught by eye witnesses imputing and tallying ballots alone when he shouldn’t have been.

• Sidney Powell won her case to seize and examine Dominion Voting machines in Georgia. The state under the direction of RINO Governor Brian Kemp attempts a “software update” to alter the evidence on the machines before handing them in as evidence. A judge intervenes and orders a cease and desist on the software update, only to have yet another judge step in and reverse the order, allowing Georgia to manipulate evidence. Keep in mind, Brian Kemp was also the main defendant in a previous election fraud lawsuit when he was Secretary of State of Georgia, where the voting machines he was supposed to surrender were wiped clean before being handed over as evidence.

Brain Kemp also helped secure the $107 MILLION dollar Dominion Voting contract despite the fact there were KNOWN security and hacking issues, and publicly stated concerns that it would injure election integrity and lead to more lawsuits.

Aside from the multi-level voter fraud occurring specifically across the battleground swing states…all of which suddenly and inexplicably stopped counting election night for no given reason, sent their observers home, and added in Biden votes in the dead of night, there’s also several glaring global issues of corruption behind these voting machines and software. Keep in mind that Dominion bought out Sequoia which was owned by Smartmatic, and it’s all the same software. The fake news can construe it and call it “false” all they want, it doesn’t change the facts.

So…we were right? Thanks CNN. 👌🏻


• The CEO of the Dominion Mark Malloch-Brown, literally wrote the book on Globalism and starting a “New World Order” which of course is socialist, pro-open borders, pro-mass migration, fascist, anti-freedom of speech, anti-gun, anti-capitalist, and anti-American.

• As with almost anything radical left leaning and destructive, the CEO of Dominion can be directly linked to George Soros and the Clinton Foundation.

• During his first term as VP, Biden had Obama’s DOJ Eric Holder force ES&S to divest itself using an Antitrust lawsuit, which then allowed the DOJ to seize and give over half the company and it’s market, straight over to Dominion Voting Systems. In an instance, the company became a major player in the United States elections.

• The lead engineer for Dominion Eric Coomer (the same one they removed from their site after his excessive anti-Trump vitriol made national news) explained back in 2017 how Dominion can be used to alter voting outcomes.

• A “Swiss” bank that’s actually owned 25% by a Chinese bank, and 75% by the Communist Chinese Party itself, invested $400 MILLION dollars into Dominion in October right before the election.

• Top level Democrats including Elizabeth Warren publicly raised concerns that Dominion was hackable and threatened the election integrity of the country back in 2019. In fact, multiple news organizations including CNN and NBC have done stories on how corruptible voting machines as far back as 2006.

• Smartmatic was designed to manipulate elections in Venezuela to keep Chavez in power during a huge recall against him. Smartmatic itself publicly ADMITTED in 2017, that their software was indeed used to manipulate and rig an election in Venezuela by inserting over a MILLION “ghost votes.”

I think it’s clear we have a catastrophic election integrity issue in this country…and it’s become even clearer that the mainstream news (much like their media blackout of Hunter Biden’s laptop) is refusing to report on voter fraud because they themselves have been corrupted, entangled, and compromised by the Left, China, and other malicious actors.

If we do not investigate and hold the people responsible for enabling and enacting this mass scale voter fraud and coverup with our 2020 elections…we won’t have a country anymore.

Follow Mindy Robinson on Facebook: www.facebook.com/iheartmindypage Twitter/Instagram @iheartMindy and contact MindyRobinsonForCongress@gmail.com

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