Underage Porn Rampant Twitter; Twitter Still Refusing to Remove It

While continuing my work on exposing open pedophiles on Twitter, I’ve fallen down several different rabbit holes of degeneracy that mainstream media is still refusing to cover and admit.

This time it was underage porn, and it was right in the open.

Roger Stone, Milo Yiannopoulos, now Laura Loomer, Alex Jones, and other conservatives are not only getting banned from Twitter….they’re get kicked off in perpetuity. So they clearly have the ability and manpower to get people “they just don’t like” off of there….Twitter is just refusing to do anything about pedos in particular.

The leftist powers that be have decided that things like border security, standing against the atrocities of Shariah Law, speaking about radical Islam negatively….even if you’re referring to a recent terrorist attack, and support of our president in general is “hate speech” and inappropriate for the Utopia Twitter pretends to be.

But do you know what is ok? Hardcore porn. Including disgusting accounts like this that brag about underage and “jailbait” porn….

Now…..I can’t even think of an appropriate way to expose this without contributing to the problem…and I’m not definitely not going to propagate what I personally believe to be child porn. But here are the censored, cropped photos of these girl’s faces…and you tell me the FBI shouldn’t at least be looking into it…

Maybe I’m wrong and they’re over 18….but it wasn’t just their faces that look prepubescent either, all of these girls that were photographed nude and were not even close to being developed. And no, I’m not posting that.

(UPDATE: I managed to get this profile pulled after the initial release of my article…..but it’s now back up on Twitter, with a weird notice that it’s “tweets aren’t loading…”)

Even if you wanted to argue that the girls just “happen” to look very, very young (I’m actually pretty sure even implied child porn featuring adults might be illegal as well) there are still plenty of accounts all over twitter showing and selling content claiming that they themselves are underage.

Notice this last accounts been up for almost 3 years! No one flagged it in all that time? Bullshit.


Not sure what other kind of scam she’s running, but giving your number to an underage girl selling nudes, it isn’t going to end well for you homie. Not that I care in retrospect…

Burn in Hell. Seriously, look at those hashtags. Tag authorities, please help.

Whether these accounts are actually underage or not, remains to be seen…but why isn’t flagging them getting them off of Twitter?

The sad truth is that I’ll probably be kicked off for being a Trump supporter, before any of these pedo bait profiles get suspended.

I’m going to guess child pornography just isn’t a concern for Jack Dorsey and Twitter.

So how is it that saying anything against the leftist establishment on Twitter is an insta-ban….but degrading, graphic, and underage porn for sale isn’t? You mean to tell me none of those key words set off sensors? That no one reported this, ever? That authorities aren’t checking Scumbag IP addresses as we speak?

No….because it was never about making sure Twitter was a “safe place.” It was about controlling and censoring dissenting public opinions. FB sucks in its own way, but porn rarely lasts long before getting pulled so it is possible to do something about it. There’s enough free weird porn online, it doesn’t need to be showing up on some high school girl’s feed.

If only Jack at Twitter put in the same effort at making sure teenage girls weren’t getting exploited horrifically online as he did harassing and banning conservatives, the world would be a better place.

This is nothing new by the way, I did a whole expose on how pedophiles were openly using Twitter using secret hashtags, etc….


Your move Twitter. Why don’t you lay off good American people and rid your platform of actual degenerates instead?

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