While conservatives get hit with ban hammers over saying “learn to code” or “misgendering” people….liberals are apparently allowed to say anything they want.
Meet Katie Herzog, a Twitter verified self proclaimed journalist for some Seattle liberal rag I’ve never heard of called The Stranger.
Also, either google image is screwing with me, or liberals age like bananas….
I don’t know. ??♀️
Anyway, she did a bullshit article article (I’m not going to post a link and give her the clicks she wants) that basically plays down Epstein’s manipulation and rape by claiming he’s not a pedo because the underage girls he was having sex with we’re past puberty.
If you’re thinking “huh?!” Let me explain with an actual quote from her article….
Wha-at?! Yes! There is supposed to be something wrong with grown adults finding teens “sexy.” You degenerate, sick piece of shit.
Then there’s this….
No, it’s not wrong just by “western standards” it’s ALWAYS wrong! And if your religion or culture allows you to marry and have sex with children…than your “culture” should be wiped off the planet. Sick fucks and your child brides….I wish the left cared as much about those little kids as they did about being “Islamophobic.”
But it gets worse. Cadaver looking Katie here doubles down on her degenerate narrative instead of backing off…
* releases right wing army *
….wait, what?
The fuck is wrong with this bitch? I had already tagged the FBI at this point because a pedophilia-sympathizing leftist journalist joking (maybe? I hope so) about molesting kids is kinda worrisome.
It’s true, in leftist-eating-it’s-own fashion Katie here has been labeled a “transophobe” or whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean. Someone along the line she must have committed the crime of factually stating that there are only two genders.
This isn’t her only pro-pedophilia article either.
She did a hole article on a man called Ender (short for Endophile, which is a pedo that likes teens.) She believes that there are “virtuous pedophiles” who mean no harm and consider their pedophilia as nothing more than a sexual orientation.
I actually spend a lot of time trying to get these so called proud pedos…who also go by MAPS (minor attracted person)….kicked off Twitter. Most of the time Twitter does nothing. It literally takes hundreds of people flagging a pro-pedophilia post or account before it disappears…but they always come right back because apparently only vocal conservatives get their IP addresses tagged for permanent bans, no time or man power to actually do that to child predators though.
How did that having the whole “virtuous pedophile” online to mentor others work out, by the way?
Not too well.
I’d say that the only cure for a pedo is a bullet….but that would actually get me kicked off of Twitter.
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