Elderly Man Arrested For Defending Himself Against Home Intruders

The state of New York has decided to arrest a 64 year old man who was defending himself against two home intruders.

This was not the first time these intruders had broken in, it seems. But as they went to rush the old man, he shot them with one dying at the scene, and the other died in the hospital.

The problem for the state of New York apparently though, is NOT that home owner Ronald Stolarczyk defended himself…but that he used a gun that he inherited from his father.

So naturally they felt the need to shackle an old man up, and charge him with a felony over it.

Video screenshots via BizPacReview

To add insult to injury, the old man returned home after this fiasco, only to discover that they had condemned his house and that he is now homeless.

Why are laws written to favor criminals over honest citizens? Was it truly necessary to drag an elderly man to court for an unregistered transfer of an inherited gun?

Clearly strict gun laws do nothing to stop criminals, they only serve to punish citizens trying to defend themselves.

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1 Comment

  1. NY is lost. Although there are still many of us who haven’t been brainwashed, there are many more in NYC and more illegals, who vote by the way, who have killed this beautiful state.
    NY has arrested many law abiding citizens over stupid technicalities. One man spent a night in jail for an empty plastic magazine, NO GUN IN HIS POSSESSION, because it could hold more bullets than NY law allows.

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