In the Star Trek franchise, the Borg are a hive mind formed of numerous species that have been assimilated into the Collective by cybernetic alteration. They are powerful, unrelenting, and thorough.
Like the SJWs of the Left, the Borg tell you who they are. Prior to subjugating non-Borg, they make an announcement: We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
Like SJWs, the Borg value diversity… after it has been conquered and assimilated to serve the movement.
Like SJWs, the Borg do not value or tolerate individual thought.
Like SJWs, the Borg appetite for assimilation is endless.
Like SJWs, the Borg are utterly certain of the correctness of their course of action. Consider the following exchange; doesn’t the smug, sanctimony of the Borg Queen resonate with every SJW zealot?
Seven of Nine: 300,000 individuals have been transformed into drones. Should they be congratulated as well?
Borg Queen: They should be. They’ve left behind their trivial, selfish lives, and they’ve been reborn with a greater purpose. We’ve delivered them from chaos into order.
Like the Borg, SJWs know the right way to do everything. If you do not conform, you must be made to conform…for your own good and the good of the Collective. This applies to all facets of life, even dating. You might think your love life is your business, but the same people bellyaching to get government out of their bedroom disagree. As evidence, PHYS ORG published an article, ‘Redesign dating apps to lessen racial bias, study recommends,’ which says your dating preferences are flawed and it is the Borg Queen’s duty to save you from your preferences.
Mobile dating apps that allow users to filter their searches by race – or rely on algorithms that pair up people of the same race – reinforce racial divisions and biases, according to a new paper by Cornell researchers.
Get that? You shouldn’t be allowed to filter searches if your preferences do not serve the Collective.
The paper, which the authors will present at the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing on Nov. 6, cites existing research on discrimination in dating apps to show how simple design decisions could decrease bias against people of all marginalized groups, including disabled or transgender people. Although partner preferences are extremely personal, the authors argue that culture shapes our preferences, and dating apps influence our decisions.
Get that? Partner preferences are extremely personal, BUT the Collective can implement simple design decisions (whether you want them or not) to shape your culture, to shape your preferences, to decrease bias against people *they* want you to want… including transgender people and disabled people. “Wow! I didn’t think I wanted to date guys in drag, but after being flooded with rhymes-with-grannies, I now realize my bias against them is lessening. I think I’ll try the sausage. Thanks, Collective!”
Hutson says, “Intimacy is very private, and rightly so, but our private lives have impacts on larger socioeconomic patterns that are systemic.”
Get that? Intimacy is very private, BUT the needs of the collective outweigh that. You can have all the privacy you want… as long as it is sanctioned.
Research shows racial inequities in online dating are widespread. For example, black men and women are 10 times more likely to message whites than white people are to message black people. Letting users search, sort and filter potential partners by race not only allows people to easily act on discriminatory preferences, it stops them from connecting with partners they may not have realized they’d like.
Get that? “We can’t let users search, sort, and filter by *their* preferences! They might not make the choices *we* know they would like!”
In addition to rethinking the way searches are conducted, posting policies or messages encouraging a more inclusive environment, or explicitly prohibiting certain language, could decrease bias against users from any marginalized group.
Get that? Not only do they want to control how you search for a partner, they want to prohibit you from using language *they* don’t approve. “I thought I wasn’t attracted to Lurians. Fortunately, I was prohibited from expressing that. Now, I get way more Lurian contacts than I ever wanted. Thanks, Collective! You knew better than me all along!”
Still, the authors said, courts and legislatures have shown reluctance to get involved in intimate relationships, and it’s unlikely these apps will be regulated anytime soon.
Get that? “It’s a real shame we can’t get government to interfere in intimate relationships, maybe pass some laws about dating apps, maybe make it illegal to date only one type of person. You know what would be awesome? If we could set up some sort of dating quota to *force* people to date certain groups! Like, for every three attractive people you date, you have date one of us incels! Yesssssss!”
You are wrong for dating differently than *they* wish. Now, lower your defenses and prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
What do I know? I’m Justa Gaibroh.
SJW’s are the new NAZI’s.